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        The main idea of ​​this trip comes from the legend of the “walker of Kassel”.
This story varies according to the witnesses.
However, it can be summed up as follows.

        During an exchange Harald Szeemann, organizer of the Documenta 5 of 1972, proposed to Cadere to present his work on the condition he made the trip from Paris to Kassel on foot.
Thus replaying of Brancusi leaving Romania to reach Paris.
He accepted but it would have been contested by his close friends.
It would have first been considered that he would go to Cassel on foot but in the north of France.
Eventually he would have made the trip by car.
Nevertheless André Cadere sent a telegram announcing that he would arrive by the 6:33 p.m. train from Paris.
Szeemann, furious, diplayed on the the Documenta’s walls: “We don’t want the walker of Kassel anymore”.

        50 years after this memorable misunderstanding, it will be a question of carrying out this march but by modifying the proposal.
There will be several walkers, they will starting from Cassel France to go to the Documenta 15 in Kassel Germany, without having been invited.
Thanks to actual technologies, the traces of this post-modern odyssey will be put online.
And their progression could be also followed in real time.